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network_interface_cl.c File Reference
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "porting.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "network_interface_cl.h"
#include "memory_alloc.h"
#include "mem_block.hpp"
#include "storage_common.h"
#include "xserver_interface.h"
#include "boot_sr.h"
#include "locator_sr.h"
#include "query_executor.h"
#include "transaction_sr.h"
#include "jsp_sr.h"
#include "vacuum.h"
#include "serial.h"
#include "oid.h"
#include "error_manager.h"
#include "object_primitive.h"
#include "object_representation.h"
#include "log_comm.h"
#include "log_writer.h"
#include "arithmetic.h"
#include "transaction_cl.h"
#include "language_support.h"
#include "statistics.h"
#include "system_parameter.h"
#include "replication.h"
#include "es.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "db_query.h"
#include "dbtype.h"
#include "compile_context.h"
#include "xasl.h"
#include "lob_locator.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.




int locator_fetch (OID *oidp, int chn, LOCK lock, LC_FETCH_VERSION_TYPE fetch_version_type, OID *class_oid, int class_chn, int prefetch, LC_COPYAREA **fetch_copyarea)
int locator_get_class (OID *class_oid, int class_chn, const OID *oid, LOCK lock, int prefetching, LC_COPYAREA **fetch_copyarea)
int locator_fetch_all (const HFID *hfid, LOCK *lock, LC_FETCH_VERSION_TYPE fetch_version_type, OID *class_oidp, int *nobjects, int *nfetched, OID *last_oidp, LC_COPYAREA **fetch_copyarea)
int locator_does_exist (OID *oidp, int chn, LOCK lock, OID *class_oid, int class_chn, int need_fetching, int prefetch, LC_COPYAREA **fetch_copyarea, LC_FETCH_VERSION_TYPE fetch_version_type)
int locator_notify_isolation_incons (LC_COPYAREA **synch_copyarea)
int locator_repl_force (LC_COPYAREA *copy_area, LC_COPYAREA **reply_copy_area)
int locator_force (LC_COPYAREA *copy_area, int num_ignore_error_list, int *ignore_error_list, int content_size)
int locator_fetch_lockset (LC_LOCKSET *lockset, LC_COPYAREA **fetch_copyarea)
int locator_fetch_all_reference_lockset (OID *oid, int chn, OID *class_oid, int class_chn, LOCK lock, int quit_on_errors, int prune_level, LC_LOCKSET **lockset, LC_COPYAREA **fetch_copyarea)
LC_FIND_CLASSNAME locator_find_class_oid (const char *class_name, OID *class_oid, LOCK lock)
LC_FIND_CLASSNAME locator_reserve_class_names (const int num_classes, const char **class_names, OID *class_oids)
int locator_get_reserved_class_name_oid (const char *classname, OID *class_oid)
LC_FIND_CLASSNAME locator_delete_class_name (const char *class_name)
LC_FIND_CLASSNAME locator_rename_class_name (const char *old_name, const char *new_name, OID *class_oid)
int locator_assign_oid (const HFID *hfid, OID *perm_oid, int expected_length, OID *class_oid, const char *class_name)
int locator_assign_oid_batch (LC_OIDSET *oidset)
LC_FIND_CLASSNAME locator_find_lockhint_class_oids (int num_classes, const char **many_classnames, LOCK *many_locks, int *many_need_subclasses, LC_PREFETCH_FLAGS *many_flags, OID *guessed_class_oids, int *guessed_class_chns, int quit_on_errors, LOCK lock_rr_tran, LC_LOCKHINT **lockhint, LC_COPYAREA **fetch_copyarea)
int locator_fetch_lockhint_classes (LC_LOCKHINT *lockhint, LC_COPYAREA **fetch_copyarea)
int heap_create (HFID *hfid, const OID *class_oid, bool reuse_oid)
int heap_destroy_newly_created (const HFID *hfid, const OID *class_oid)
int heap_reclaim_addresses (const HFID *hfid)
int file_apply_tde_to_class_files (const OID *class_oid)
int tde_get_mk_file_path (char *mk_path)
int tde_get_mk_info (int *mk_index, time_t *created_time, time_t *set_time)
int tde_change_mk_on_server (int mk_index)
DKNPAGES disk_get_total_numpages (VOLID volid)
DKNPAGES disk_get_free_numpages (VOLID volid)
char * disk_get_remarks (VOLID volid)
char * disk_get_fullname (VOLID volid, char *vol_fullname)
int log_reset_wait_msecs (int wait_msecs)
int log_reset_isolation (TRAN_ISOLATION isolation)
void log_set_interrupt (int set)
int log_checkpoint (void)
void log_dump_stat (FILE *outfp)
int log_set_suppress_repl_on_transaction (int set)
TRAN_STATE tran_server_commit (bool retain_lock)
TRAN_STATE tran_server_abort (void)
const char * tran_get_tranlist_state_name (TRAN_STATE state)
bool tran_is_blocked (int tran_index)
int tran_server_has_updated (void)
int tran_server_is_active_and_has_updated (void)
int tran_wait_server_active_trans (void)
int tran_server_set_global_tran_info (int gtrid, void *info, int size)
int tran_server_get_global_tran_info (int gtrid, void *buffer, int size)
int tran_server_2pc_start (void)
TRAN_STATE tran_server_2pc_prepare (void)
int tran_server_2pc_recovery_prepared (int gtrids[], int size)
int tran_server_2pc_attach_global_tran (int gtrid)
TRAN_STATE tran_server_2pc_prepare_global_tran (int gtrid)
int tran_server_savepoint (const char *savept_name, LOG_LSA *savept_lsa)
TRAN_STATE tran_server_partial_abort (const char *savept_name, LOG_LSA *savept_lsa)
int acl_reload ()
void acl_dump (FILE *outfp)
void lock_dump (FILE *outfp)
int boot_initialize_server (const BOOT_CLIENT_CREDENTIAL *client_credential, BOOT_DB_PATH_INFO *db_path_info, bool db_overwrite, const char *file_addmore_vols, DKNPAGES db_npages, PGLENGTH db_desired_pagesize, DKNPAGES log_npages, PGLENGTH db_desired_log_page_size, OID *rootclass_oid, HFID *rootclass_hfid, int client_lock_wait, TRAN_ISOLATION client_isolation)
int boot_register_client (BOOT_CLIENT_CREDENTIAL *client_credential, int client_lock_wait, TRAN_ISOLATION client_isolation, TRAN_STATE *tran_state, BOOT_SERVER_CREDENTIAL *server_credential)
int boot_unregister_client (int tran_index)
int boot_backup (const char *backup_path, FILEIO_BACKUP_LEVEL backup_level, bool delete_unneeded_logarchives, const char *backup_verbose_file, int num_threads, FILEIO_ZIP_METHOD zip_method, FILEIO_ZIP_LEVEL zip_level, int skip_activelog, int sleep_msecs, bool separate_keys)
VOLID boot_add_volume_extension (DBDEF_VOL_EXT_INFO *ext_info)
int boot_check_db_consistency (int check_flag, OID *oids, int num_oids, BTID *index_btid)
int boot_find_number_permanent_volumes (void)
int boot_find_number_temp_volumes (void)
VOLID boot_find_last_permanent (void)
int boot_find_last_temp (void)
int boot_delete (const char *db_name, bool force_delete)
bool boot_shutdown_server (ER_FINAL_CODE iserfinal)
int csession_find_or_create_session (SESSION_ID *session_id, int *row_count, char *server_session_key, const char *db_user, const char *host, const char *program_name)
int csession_end_session (SESSION_ID session_id)
int csession_set_row_count (int rows)
int csession_get_row_count (int *rows)
int csession_get_last_insert_id (DB_VALUE *value, bool update_last_insert_id)
int csession_reset_cur_insert_id (void)
int csession_create_prepared_statement (const char *name, const char *alias_print, char *stmt_info, int info_length)
int csession_get_prepared_statement (const char *name, XASL_ID *xasl_id, char **stmt_info, xasl_node_header *xasl_header_p)
int csession_delete_prepared_statement (const char *name)
int clogin_user (const char *username)
int csession_set_session_variables (DB_VALUE *variables, const int count)
int csession_drop_session_variables (DB_VALUE *variables, const int count)
int csession_get_variable (DB_VALUE *name, DB_VALUE *value)
int boot_soft_rename (const char *old_db_name, const char *new_db_name, const char *new_db_path, const char *new_log_path, const char *new_db_server_host, const char *new_volext_path, const char *fileof_vols_and_renamepaths, bool new_db_overwrite, bool extern_rename, bool force_delete)
int boot_copy (const char *from_dbname, const char *new_db_name, const char *new_db_path, const char *new_log_path, const char *new_lob_path, const char *new_db_server_host, const char *new_volext_path, const char *fileof_vols_and_copypaths, bool new_db_overwrite)
int boot_emergency_patch (const char *db_name, bool recreate_log, DKNPAGES log_npages, const char *db_locale, FILE *out_fp)
HA_SERVER_STATE boot_change_ha_mode (HA_SERVER_STATE state, bool force, int timeout)
int boot_notify_ha_log_applier_state (HA_LOG_APPLIER_STATE state)
int stats_get_statistics_from_server (OID *classoid, unsigned int timestamp, int *length_ptr, char **stats_buffer)
int stats_update_statistics (OID *classoid, int with_fullscan)
int stats_update_all_statistics (int with_fullscan)
int btree_add_index (BTID *btid, TP_DOMAIN *key_type, OID *class_oid, int attr_id, int unique_pk)
int btree_load_index (BTID *btid, const char *bt_name, TP_DOMAIN *key_type, OID *class_oids, int n_classes, int n_attrs, int *attr_ids, int *attrs_prefix_length, HFID *hfids, int unique_pk, int not_null_flag, OID *fk_refcls_oid, BTID *fk_refcls_pk_btid, const char *fk_name, char *pred_stream, int pred_stream_size, char *expr_stream, int expr_stream_size, int func_col_id, int func_attr_index_start, SM_INDEX_STATUS index_status)
int btree_delete_index (BTID *btid)
int locator_log_force_nologging (void)
int locator_remove_class_from_index (OID *oid, BTID *btid, HFID *hfid)
BTREE_SEARCH btree_find_unique (BTID *btid, DB_VALUE *key, OID *class_oid, OID *oid)
BTREE_SEARCH btree_find_multi_uniques (OID *class_oid, int pruning_type, BTID *btids, DB_VALUE *keys, int count, SCAN_OPERATION_TYPE op_type, OID **oids, int *oids_count)
int btree_class_test_unique (char *buf, int buf_size)
int qfile_get_list_file_page (QUERY_ID query_id, VOLID volid, PAGEID pageid, char *buffer, int *buffer_size)
int qmgr_prepare_query (COMPILE_CONTEXT *context, xasl_stream *stream)
QFILE_LIST_IDqmgr_execute_query (const XASL_ID *xasl_id, QUERY_ID *query_idp, int dbval_cnt, const DB_VALUE *dbvals, QUERY_FLAG flag, CACHE_TIME *clt_cache_time, CACHE_TIME *srv_cache_time, int query_timeout)
QFILE_LIST_IDqmgr_prepare_and_execute_query (char *xasl_stream, int xasl_stream_size, QUERY_ID *query_idp, int dbval_cnt, DB_VALUE *dbval_ptr, QUERY_FLAG flag, int query_timeout)
int qmgr_end_query (QUERY_ID query_id)
int qmgr_drop_all_query_plans (void)
void qmgr_dump_query_plans (FILE *outfp)
void qmgr_dump_query_cache (FILE *outfp)
int serial_get_current_value (DB_VALUE *value, OID *oid_p, int cached_num)
int serial_get_next_value (DB_VALUE *value, OID *oid_p, int cached_num, int num_alloc, int is_auto_increment)
int serial_decache (OID *oid)
int perfmon_server_start_stats (void)
int perfmon_server_stop_stats (void)
int perfmon_server_copy_stats (UINT64 *to_stats)
int perfmon_server_copy_global_stats (UINT64 *to_stats)
int catalog_check_rep_dir (OID *class_id, OID *rep_dir_p)
int thread_kill_tran_index (int kill_tran_index, char *kill_user, char *kill_host, int kill_pid)
int thread_kill_or_interrupt_tran (int *tran_index_list, int num_tran_index, bool is_dba_group_member, bool interrupt_only, int *num_killed)
void thread_dump_cs_stat (FILE *outfp)
int logtb_get_pack_tran_table (char **buffer_p, int *size_p, bool include_query_exec_info)
void logtb_free_trans_info (TRANS_INFO *info)
TRANS_INFOlogtb_get_trans_info (bool include_query_exec_info)
void logtb_dump_trantable (FILE *outfp)
int heap_get_class_num_objects_pages (HFID *hfid, int approximation, int *nobjs, int *npages)
int btree_get_statistics (BTID *btid, BTREE_STATS *stat_info)
int btree_get_index_key_type (BTID btid, TP_DOMAIN **key_type_p)
int db_local_transaction_id (DB_VALUE *result_trid)
int qp_get_server_info (PARSER_CONTEXT *parser, int server_info_bits)
SYSPRM_ERR sysprm_change_server_parameters (const SYSPRM_ASSIGN_VALUE *assignments)
SYSPRM_ERR sysprm_obtain_server_parameters (SYSPRM_ASSIGN_VALUE **prm_values_ptr)
int sysprm_get_force_server_parameters (SYSPRM_ASSIGN_VALUE **change_values)
void sysprm_dump_server_parameters (FILE *outfp)
int heap_has_instance (HFID *hfid, OID *class_oid, int has_visible_instance)
int jsp_get_server_port (void)
int repl_log_get_append_lsa (LOG_LSA *lsa)
int repl_set_info (REPL_INFO *repl_info)
int locator_check_fk_validity (OID *cls_oid, HFID *hfid, TP_DOMAIN *key_type, int n_attrs, int *attr_ids, OID *pk_cls_oid, BTID *pk_btid, char *fk_name)
int logwr_get_log_pages (LOGWR_CONTEXT *ctx_ptr)
bool histo_is_supported (void)
int histo_start (bool for_all_trans)
int histo_stop (void)
int histo_print (FILE *stream)
int histo_print_global_stats (FILE *stream, bool cumulative, const char *substr)
void histo_clear (void)
int boot_compact_classes (OID **class_oids, int num_classes, int space_to_process, int instance_lock_timeout, int class_lock_timeout, bool delete_old_repr, OID *last_processed_class_oid, OID *last_processed_oid, int *total_objects, int *failed_objects, int *modified_objects, int *big_objects, int *ids_repr)
int boot_heap_compact (OID *class_oid)
int compact_db_start (void)
int compact_db_stop (void)
int es_posix_create_file (char *new_path)
ssize_t es_posix_write_file (const char *path, const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset)
ssize_t es_posix_read_file (const char *path, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset)
int es_posix_delete_file (const char *path)
int es_posix_copy_file (const char *src_path, const char *metaname, char *new_path)
int es_posix_rename_file (const char *src_path, const char *metaname, char *new_path)
off_t es_posix_get_file_size (const char *path)
int cvacuum (void)
void vacuum_dump (FILE *outfp)
int log_get_mvcc_snapshot (void)
int locator_upgrade_instances_domain (OID *class_oid, int attribute_id)
int boot_get_server_locales (LANG_COLL_COMPAT **server_collations, LANG_LOCALE_COMPAT **server_locales, int *server_coll_cnt, int *server_locales_cnt)
int tran_lock_rep_read (LOCK lock_rr_tran)
int boot_get_server_timezone_checksum (char *timezone_checksum)
int chksum_insert_repl_log_and_demote_table_lock (REPL_INFO *repl_info, const OID *class_oidp)
int log_does_active_user_exist (const char *user_name, bool *existed)
int locator_redistribute_partition_data (OID *class_oid, int no_oids, OID *oid_list)
int netcl_spacedb (SPACEDB_ALL *spaceall, SPACEDB_ONEVOL **spacevols, SPACEDB_FILES *spacefiles)
int locator_demote_class_lock (const OID *class_oid, LOCK lock, LOCK *ex_lock)
int loaddb_init (cubload::load_args &args)
int loaddb_install_class (const cubload::batch &batch, bool &class_is_ignored, std::string &class_name)
int loaddb_load_batch (const cubload::batch &batch, bool use_temp_batch, bool &is_batch_accepted, load_status &status)
int loaddb_fetch_status (load_status &status)
int loaddb_destroy ()
int loaddb_interrupt ()
int loaddb_update_stats ()


unsigned int db_on_server = 0

Macro Definition Documentation

Function Documentation

void acl_dump ( FILE *  outfp)

Definition at line 3567 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References net_client_request_recv_stream(), NET_SERVER_ACL_DUMP, and NULL.

Referenced by acldb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int acl_reload ( void  )
int boot_backup ( const char *  backup_path,
FILEIO_BACKUP_LEVEL  backup_level,
bool  delete_unneeded_logarchives,
const char *  backup_verbose_file,
int  num_threads,
FILEIO_ZIP_METHOD  zip_method,
FILEIO_ZIP_LEVEL  zip_level,
int  skip_activelog,
int  sleep_msecs,
bool  separate_keys 
int boot_compact_classes ( OID **  class_oids,
int  num_classes,
int  space_to_process,
int  instance_lock_timeout,
int  class_lock_timeout,
bool  delete_old_repr,
OID last_processed_class_oid,
OID last_processed_oid,
int *  total_objects,
int *  failed_objects,
int *  modified_objects,
int *  big_objects,
int *  ids_repr 
int boot_copy ( const char *  from_dbname,
const char *  new_db_name,
const char *  new_db_path,
const char *  new_log_path,
const char *  new_lob_path,
const char *  new_db_server_host,
const char *  new_volext_path,
const char *  fileof_vols_and_copypaths,
bool  new_db_overwrite 

Definition at line 5293 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References ARG_FILE_LINE, assert, ER_ERROR_SEVERITY, ER_FAILED, ER_ONLY_IN_STANDALONE, er_set(), NULL, and xboot_copy().

Referenced by copydb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int boot_delete ( const char *  db_name,
bool  force_delete 

Definition at line 4190 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References ARG_FILE_LINE, BOOT_SHUTDOWN_ALL_MODULES, db_name, ER_ERROR_SEVERITY, ER_FAILED, ER_ONLY_IN_STANDALONE, er_set(), NULL, xboot_delete(), and xboot_restart_from_backup().

Referenced by copydb(), and deletedb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int boot_emergency_patch ( const char *  db_name,
bool  recreate_log,
DKNPAGES  log_npages,
const char *  db_locale,
FILE *  out_fp 

Definition at line 5324 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References ARG_FILE_LINE, ER_ERROR_SEVERITY, ER_FAILED, ER_ONLY_IN_STANDALONE, er_set(), and xboot_emergency_patch().

Referenced by patchdb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

VOLID boot_find_last_permanent ( void  )
int boot_find_number_permanent_volumes ( void  )
int boot_get_server_timezone_checksum ( char *  timezone_checksum)
int boot_heap_compact ( OID class_oid)
int boot_initialize_server ( const BOOT_CLIENT_CREDENTIAL client_credential,
BOOT_DB_PATH_INFO db_path_info,
bool  db_overwrite,
const char *  file_addmore_vols,
DKNPAGES  db_npages,
PGLENGTH  db_desired_pagesize,
DKNPAGES  log_npages,
PGLENGTH  db_desired_log_page_size,
OID rootclass_oid,
HFID rootclass_hfid,
int  client_lock_wait,
TRAN_ISOLATION  client_isolation 

Definition at line 3639 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References assert, NULL_TRAN_INDEX, and xboot_initialize_server().

Referenced by boot_initialize_client().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool boot_shutdown_server ( ER_FINAL_CODE  iserfinal)

Definition at line 4239 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References ARG_FILE_LINE, assert, ER_ERROR_SEVERITY, ER_ONLY_IN_STANDALONE, er_set(), NULL, and xboot_shutdown_server().

Referenced by restoredb(), and restoreslave().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int boot_soft_rename ( const char *  old_db_name,
const char *  new_db_name,
const char *  new_db_path,
const char *  new_log_path,
const char *  new_db_server_host,
const char *  new_volext_path,
const char *  fileof_vols_and_renamepaths,
bool  new_db_overwrite,
bool  extern_rename,
bool  force_delete 

Definition at line 5249 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References ARG_FILE_LINE, ER_ERROR_SEVERITY, ER_FAILED, ER_ONLY_IN_STANDALONE, er_set(), and xboot_soft_rename().

Referenced by installdb(), and renamedb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int btree_class_test_unique ( char *  buf,
int  buf_size 
int btree_load_index ( BTID btid,
const char *  bt_name,
TP_DOMAIN key_type,
OID class_oids,
int  n_classes,
int  n_attrs,
int *  attr_ids,
int *  attrs_prefix_length,
HFID hfids,
int  unique_pk,
int  not_null_flag,
OID fk_refcls_oid,
BTID fk_refcls_pk_btid,
const char *  fk_name,
char *  pred_stream,
int  pred_stream_size,
char *  expr_stream,
int  expr_stream_size,
int  func_col_id,
int  func_attr_index_start,
SM_INDEX_STATUS  index_status 
int catalog_check_rep_dir ( OID class_id,
OID rep_dir_p 
int compact_db_start ( void  )

Definition at line 9156 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References ER_FAILED, net_client_request(), NET_SERVER_BO_COMPACT_DB_START, NULL, OR_ALIGNED_BUF, OR_ALIGNED_BUF_START, OR_INT_SIZE, or_unpack_int(), and success().

Referenced by compactdb_start().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int compact_db_stop ( void  )

Definition at line 9185 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References ER_FAILED, net_client_request(), NET_SERVER_BO_COMPACT_DB_STOP, NULL, OR_ALIGNED_BUF, OR_ALIGNED_BUF_START, OR_INT_SIZE, or_unpack_int(), and success().

Referenced by compactdb_start().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int csession_end_session ( SESSION_ID  session_id)
int csession_get_row_count ( int *  rows)
int csession_reset_cur_insert_id ( void  )
int cvacuum ( void  )

Definition at line 9525 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References err, net_client_request(), NET_SERVER_VACUUM, NO_ERROR, NULL, OR_ALIGNED_BUF, OR_ALIGNED_BUF_SIZE, OR_ALIGNED_BUF_START, OR_INT_SIZE, or_unpack_int(), and xvacuum().

Referenced by do_vacuum(), and vacuumdb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int db_local_transaction_id ( DB_VALUE result_trid)
DKNPAGES disk_get_free_numpages ( VOLID  volid)
char* disk_get_fullname ( VOLID  volid,
char *  vol_fullname 
DKNPAGES disk_get_total_numpages ( VOLID  volid)
int es_posix_copy_file ( const char *  src_path,
const char *  metaname,
char *  new_path 
int es_posix_create_file ( char *  new_path)
off_t es_posix_get_file_size ( const char *  path)
ssize_t es_posix_read_file ( const char *  path,
void *  buf,
size_t  count,
off_t  offset 
int es_posix_rename_file ( const char *  src_path,
const char *  metaname,
char *  new_path 
ssize_t es_posix_write_file ( const char *  path,
const void *  buf,
size_t  count,
off_t  offset 
int heap_get_class_num_objects_pages ( HFID hfid,
int  approximation,
int *  nobjs,
int *  npages 
void histo_clear ( void  )

Definition at line 8958 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References net_histo_clear().

Referenced by csql_do_session_cmd().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool histo_is_supported ( void  )

Definition at line 8904 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References prm_get_bool_value(), and PRM_ID_ENABLE_HISTO.

Referenced by csql_do_session_cmd(), csql_exit_cleanup(), csql_exit_session(), and start_csql().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int histo_print ( FILE *  stream)

Definition at line 8930 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References err, net_histo_print(), and NO_ERROR.

Referenced by csql_do_session_cmd().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int histo_print_global_stats ( FILE *  stream,
bool  cumulative,
const char *  substr 

Definition at line 8944 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References err, net_histo_print_global_stats(), and NO_ERROR.

Referenced by statdump().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int histo_start ( bool  for_all_trans)

Definition at line 8910 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References net_histo_start().

Referenced by csql_do_session_cmd(), and statdump().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int histo_stop ( void  )

Definition at line 8920 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References net_histo_stop().

Referenced by csql_do_session_cmd(), csql_exit_cleanup(), csql_exit_session(), start_csql(), and statdump().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int jsp_get_server_port ( void  )
int loaddb_destroy ( )

Definition at line 10369 of file network_interface_cl.c.


Referenced by ldr_server_load().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int loaddb_fetch_status ( load_status status)
int loaddb_interrupt ( )

Definition at line 10390 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References net_client_request_no_reply(), NET_SERVER_LD_INTERRUPT, NO_ERROR, and NULL.

Referenced by ldr_server_load(), and register_signal_handlers().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int loaddb_update_stats ( )

Definition at line 10400 of file network_interface_cl.c.


Referenced by ldr_server_load().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int locator_assign_oid ( const HFID hfid,
OID perm_oid,
int  expected_length,
OID class_oid,
const char *  class_name 
int locator_does_exist ( OID oidp,
int  chn,
LOCK  lock,
OID class_oid,
int  class_chn,
int  need_fetching,
int  prefetch,
LC_COPYAREA **  fetch_copyarea,
LC_FETCH_VERSION_TYPE  fetch_version_type 
int locator_fetch ( OID oidp,
int  chn,
LOCK  lock,
LC_FETCH_VERSION_TYPE  fetch_version_type,
OID class_oid,
int  class_chn,
int  prefetch,
LC_COPYAREA **  fetch_copyarea 
int locator_fetch_all ( const HFID hfid,
LOCK lock,
LC_FETCH_VERSION_TYPE  fetch_version_type,
OID class_oidp,
int *  nobjects,
int *  nfetched,
OID last_oidp,
LC_COPYAREA **  fetch_copyarea 
int locator_fetch_all_reference_lockset ( OID oid,
int  chn,
OID class_oid,
int  class_chn,
LOCK  lock,
int  quit_on_errors,
int  prune_level,
LC_LOCKSET **  lockset,
LC_COPYAREA **  fetch_copyarea 
LC_FIND_CLASSNAME locator_find_lockhint_class_oids ( int  num_classes,
const char **  many_classnames,
LOCK many_locks,
int *  many_need_subclasses,
OID guessed_class_oids,
int *  guessed_class_chns,
int  quit_on_errors,
LOCK  lock_rr_tran,
LC_LOCKHINT **  lockhint,
LC_COPYAREA **  fetch_copyarea 
int locator_get_class ( OID class_oid,
int  class_chn,
const OID oid,
LOCK  lock,
int  prefetching,
LC_COPYAREA **  fetch_copyarea 
int locator_log_force_nologging ( void  )

Definition at line 5945 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References ARG_FILE_LINE, ER_ERROR_SEVERITY, ER_FAILED, ER_ONLY_IN_STANDALONE, er_set(), log_set_no_logging(), and success().

Referenced by csql(), and loaddb_internal().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void lock_dump ( FILE *  outfp)

Definition at line 3589 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References net_client_request_recv_stream(), NET_SERVER_LK_DUMP, NULL, and xlock_dump().

Referenced by help_print_info(), and lockdb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int log_does_active_user_exist ( const char *  user_name,
bool existed 
void log_dump_stat ( FILE *  outfp)

Definition at line 2401 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References net_client_request_recv_stream(), NET_SERVER_LOG_DUMP_STAT, NULL, and xlogpb_dump_stat().

Referenced by help_print_info().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int log_get_mvcc_snapshot ( void  )
int log_reset_wait_msecs ( int  wait_msecs)
void log_set_interrupt ( int  set)
void logtb_dump_trantable ( FILE *  outfp)

Definition at line 7911 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References net_client_request_recv_stream(), NET_SERVER_LOG_DUMP_TRANTB, NULL, and xlogtb_dump_trantable().

Referenced by help_print_info().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int logtb_get_pack_tran_table ( char **  buffer_p,
int *  size_p,
bool  include_query_exec_info 
int qfile_get_list_file_page ( QUERY_ID  query_id,
VOLID  volid,
PAGEID  pageid,
char *  buffer,
int *  buffer_size 
int qmgr_drop_all_query_plans ( void  )
void qmgr_dump_query_plans ( FILE *  outfp)

Definition at line 7055 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References net_client_request_recv_stream(), NET_SERVER_QM_QUERY_DUMP_PLANS, NULL, and xqmgr_dump_query_plans().

Referenced by help_print_info(), and plandump().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

QFILE_LIST_ID* qmgr_execute_query ( const XASL_ID xasl_id,
QUERY_ID *  query_idp,
int  dbval_cnt,
const DB_VALUE dbvals,
CACHE_TIME clt_cache_time,
CACHE_TIME srv_cache_time,
int  query_timeout 
int serial_get_next_value ( DB_VALUE value,
OID oid_p,
int  cached_num,
int  num_alloc,
int  is_auto_increment 
int stats_get_statistics_from_server ( OID classoid,
unsigned int  timestamp,
int *  length_ptr,
char **  stats_buffer 
void sysprm_dump_server_parameters ( FILE *  outfp)

Definition at line 8451 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References net_client_request_recv_stream(), NET_SERVER_PRM_DUMP_PARAMETERS, NULL, and xsysprm_dump_server_parameters().

Referenced by paramdump().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int sysprm_get_force_server_parameters ( SYSPRM_ASSIGN_VALUE **  change_values)
int tde_change_mk_on_server ( int  mk_index)
int tde_get_mk_info ( int *  mk_index,
time_t *  created_time,
time_t *  set_time 
void thread_dump_cs_stat ( FILE *  outfp)

Definition at line 7671 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References ARG_FILE_LINE, er_log_debug, net_client_request_recv_stream(), NET_SERVER_CSS_DUMP_CS_STAT, and NULL.

Referenced by help_print_info().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int thread_kill_or_interrupt_tran ( int *  tran_index_list,
int  num_tran_index,
bool  is_dba_group_member,
bool  interrupt_only,
int *  num_killed 
int thread_kill_tran_index ( int  kill_tran_index,
char *  kill_user,
char *  kill_host,
int  kill_pid 
int tran_lock_rep_read ( LOCK  lock_rr_tran)
int tran_server_2pc_attach_global_tran ( int  gtrid)
TRAN_STATE tran_server_2pc_prepare ( void  )
int tran_server_2pc_start ( void  )
int tran_server_get_global_tran_info ( int  gtrid,
void *  buffer,
int  size 
int tran_server_has_updated ( void  )
int tran_server_is_active_and_has_updated ( void  )
int tran_server_set_global_tran_info ( int  gtrid,
void *  info,
int  size 
int tran_wait_server_active_trans ( void  )
void vacuum_dump ( FILE *  outfp)

Definition at line 9566 of file network_interface_cl.c.

References net_client_request_recv_stream(), NET_SERVER_VACUUM_DUMP, NULL, and xvacuum_dump().

Referenced by vacuumdb().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

unsigned int db_on_server = 0

Definition at line 91 of file network_interface_cl.c.