39 public LockedHeap<SpinLockType,FreelistHeap<ZoneHeap<MallocHeap,0> > > {};
48 th->
reset (chunk_size);
92 public SizeHeap<ObstackHeap<0,MallocHeap> > {};
101 th->
reset (chunk_size);
void hl_fixed_free(UINTPTR heap_id, void *ptr)
void hl_unregister_ostk_heap(UINTPTR heap_id)
void * hl_fixed_alloc(UINTPTR heap_id, size_t sz)
void reset(const int chkSize)
void hl_unregister_fixed_heap(UINTPTR heap_id)
volatile int anyThreadCreatedInHL
void hl_ostk_free(UINTPTR heap_id, void *ptr)
void * hl_ostk_alloc(UINTPTR heap_id, size_t sz)
UINTPTR hl_register_fixed_heap(int chunk_size)
UINTPTR hl_register_ostk_heap(int chunk_size)
Allocates extra room for the size of an object.
void reset(const int chkSize)
The master Heap Layers include file.